Dr Liu Chinese Clinic in London
Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 11.00am to 7.00pm
2a Shepherd's Bush Road
Shepherd's Bush
W6 7PJ
Where to find us
020 8740 3051 (opening hours)
Text: 07780 615 988
We can help with: Stress or Depression, Weight loss or Stopping Smoking, Skin Problems, Muscular Problems and Back pain, Allergies and Hay Fever, Infertility, Womens problems, IBS and many more. Please pop in, or call, for an initial consultation.
Many people find herbal medicines and acupunture are effective methods of helping to fight chronic illnesses that modern western medicines struggle to combat. Alternative and complementary medicines have become increasingly popular in the west in the last 20 years.
Some would say these methods are fashions, or simply ineffective, but herbal medicine and acupunture have been used, effectively, in China for 4,000 years. That's a long fashion! If something has lasted that long, then perhaps there's something in it?

Dr Liu - Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor
Dr. Liu is a fully qualified medical doctor and a member of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (UK). She graduated from the Traditional Chinese Medicine University of Chengdu, China and has been working as a TCM doctor since. She moved to England in 1998 and successfully set up as a private TCM doctor. She has a very good reputation for treating various conditions; many of her new patients are referrals from existing patients.
Dr Liu strongly believes in helping the whole person, and not just addressing symptoms.

Natural remedies - A holistic approach
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has existed for over 4,000 years and is a comprehensive medical system with its own principles, diagnostic methods and therapies. It uses a holistic approach to produce a highly sophisticated set of practices focusing both on curing illnesses and maintaining general well being.
TCM has remarkable curative effects and few side effects, as the treatment is specifically tailored to address a patients particular problem using natural herbs and acupuncture.
Emphasis is placed on strengthening the whole person and not just combating the symptoms of the problem.
We are a small (but growing) family business. Please feel free to pop in and we will be happy to chat to you about Traditional Chinese Medicine and any other health related matters.
Shepherd's Bush in West London